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Join hands to forge ahead on a new journey -- a 2024 tour to Wenzhou by Jiangxi Baotai Group

Time:2024-09-24 10:34:33 Source:江西保太集團-江西保太有色金屬集團有限公司 View Rate:724

Summary:2024 September 20-22, Jiangxi baotai group to "Wenzhou trip cohesion, join hands in a new journey" as the theme of the Wenzhou trip.

2024 September 20-22, Jiangxi baotai group to “Wenzhou trip cohesion, join hands in a new journey” as the theme of the Wenzhou trip. Let the staff in the tension of the work to relax in the mountains, feel the city's unique charm and profound cultural heritage.

On the afternoon of the 20th, before everyone set off, chairman Peng Baotai held a pre-trip meeting as usual and read the corporate culture of the group:

The company's vision is: to become a global leader in the comprehensive utilization of recycled metals and quotation center;

Enterprise mission is: to make renewable metals benefit mankind!

Enterprise values are: good quality, good service, good credit, good innovation, the price is clear;

The Spirit of enterprise is: Quality and trust, Taiye Dingxing.

Everyone's voice sonorous and powerful, sound vibration hall. Next, chairman Peng Baotai explained in detail the meaning of corporate culture, asking everyone to see the outside world after work. Therefore, the group organizes its employees to travel around the country every year, the goal is to broaden the horizons of employees, dare to innovate, to“Quality and trust, Taiye Dingxing” as the goal, to achieve the common development of enterprises and society. Finally stressed that tourism security is the top priority, everything to safety first, so happy to travel, safe home. So we are excited to set foot on a trip to Wenzhou.

On the 21st, we went to the first stop of this trip-xiandiyan. The Xiandiyan of Wenzhou is a famous scenic spot in Dongtou District, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province. Legend has it that these“Xiandiyan” boulders were piled by immortals, hence their name. There are some historical relics in the scenic spot, such as the ancient well of Song dynasty and the ancient city wall of Ming dynasty. These historical sites have witnessed the Dongtou Peninsula's historical changes, the BAOTAI group here to feel the historical precipitation and cultural continuity.

On the 22nd, we went to Yandang Mountain, Raqm Ithnayn,Al Ma?a??ah(Number Two Station) . Yandangshan Geopark has three unique styles: Da Long Jiu, Ling Feng and Yeongam. When the group arrived at Da Long Jiu, the sky suddenly clouded over, but our team resolutely embarked on the journey to the mysterious peak. Walk to the halfway, the sky with a light rain, gradually, the rain is getting bigger and bigger, as if the test of nature on us. The team members, however, had no intention of backing down. We wore raincoats, holding umbrellas, step by step towards the top of the mountain. The rain wet his face, the mountain became muddy and slippery, but everyone's eyes were full of determination and expectation.

In the wind and rain, we reached the waterfall. The waterfall in the background of the storm, like a dragon galloping down from the cliff, splashing water, sound like thunder. The water of the waterfall was so strong that it seemed to swallow up the whole valley. The combination of rain and mist from the falls creates a surreal image:

Baotai teammates wandering wild geese, climbing in the rain will be strong.

Clouds around the peak if present, firm heart forward footsteps.

Raindrops fall like marbles, defying all odds and dangers.

Da Long Qiu before looking up, beautiful scenery reflected in the heart.

Waterfall such as curtain hanging in front of the river, the momentum of the Majestic earthquake nine days.

Water splashes reflect brilliance, cloud scroll to the sky.

Baotai teammates appreciate the new chapter, the wind and rain together.

This rain climbing trip, not only let the members of the Baotai group to enjoy the magnificent scenery of the Dalongqiu waterfall, but also exercise their will and team spirit. In the face of difficulties, each“Bao Tai people” are supporting each other, common forward, showing the group's cohesion and fighting force.

The two-and-a-half-day trip to Wenzhou ended on a happy note. I believe that the rain in the mountains and the magnificent waterfall, will become the BOTAI group members in the heart of a memorable memory. They will carry this memory forward to create even more glorious achievements in the days to come.