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What is aluminum and aluminum alloy?

Time:2016-06-02 18:52:00 Source:江西保太集團(tuán)-江西保太有色金屬集團(tuán)有限公司 View Rate:5052


   Aluminum is a kind oflight metal with small density(2.79/Cm3)and has good strength and plasticity.The aluminum alloy has good strength, the strength of the super-hard aluminumalloy can reach 600Mpa, and the tensile strength of the common hard aluminumalloy reaches 200-450Mpa, and the specific steel degree is much higher thanthat of the steel, so that the aluminum alloy is widely used in the machinemanufacturing. The conductivity of aluminum is second only to silver andcopper, and in the third place is used to make various wires.Aluminum has goodthermal conductivity and can be used as various heat dissipation materials.Aluminum also has good corrosion resistance and good plasticity, suitable forvarious pressure processing.

   The aluminum alloy can bedivided into wrought aluminum alloy and cast aluminum alloy according to theprocessing method. Deformed aluminum alloy is divided into non-heat treatmentreinforced aluminum alloy and heat treatment reinforced aluminum alloy. Thenon-heat treatment enhanced type can not improve the mechanical properties byheat treatment, but can only be strengthened by cold working deformation. Itmainly includes high purity aluminum, industrial pure aluminum and anti-rustaluminum and so on. Heat treated strengthened aluminum alloy can improvemechanical properties by quenching and aging. It can be divided into hardaluminum, forged aluminum, superhard aluminum and special aluminum alloy.

   Aluminum alloy can obtaingood mechanical properties, physical properties and corrosion resistance byheat treatment.

   The cast aluminum alloycan be divided into aluminum silicon alloy, aluminum copper alloy, aluminummagnesium alloy  and aluminum zinc alloy according to chemical composition.